gunz & bunz
Shape Your Cakes
Welcome to our invigorating glute and arm workout program, designed to help you sculpt and strengthen two of the most desired areas of the body. Get ready to ignite your muscles, enhance your physique, and unleash your inner strength. This targeted workout routine combines a series of dynamic exercises that specifically target your glutes and arms, helping you achieve a well-rounded and toned physique. From booty-building exercises to arm-toning movements, this program is carefully crafted to challenge and transform your body. Whether you're a beginner starting your fitness journey or an experienced enthusiast looking to take your workouts to the next level, this program will push you to new limits and unlock your full potential. Prepare to feel the burn, embrace the challenge, and revel in the satisfaction of seeing your glutes and arms become stronger and more defined. Let's embark on this empowering journey together and unlock the incredible strength and beauty within you.
Do you have back pain? Weak glutes and hamstrings are usually the problem. This program helps you strengthen those muscles to support your lower back, giving you overall performance at everyday tasks.
target your glutes and legs
Biceps are important from a fitness perspective too. Strong biceps limit the potential for injuries like elbow tendonitis and bicepital tendonitis of the shoulder, which can happen when an untrained muscle is put under too much load too soon or experiences too much repetitive movement.
stronger biceps
Build your quads
Want to build your quadricep muscles? Squat! Building your quadricep muscles is essential for everyday movement and function. In this class we will do a variety of workouts to strengthen and shape your quads.
posterior chain
If you want stronger glutes, hamstrings, core, upper back and lower back. Deadlift is the exercise for you. Overall, the deadlift is a power movement that strengthens your posterior chain, which in turn helps your overall functionality and movement. You’ll definitely be able to carry more grocery bags in one trip.